Michele Cox, Senior Advisor and Partner Manager mcox@richmond.edu |
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Italy (Umbra, Verona), Poland, Spain (except St. Louis in Madrid) |
Chris Klein, Associate Director of Study Abroad cklein2@richmond.edu |
Africa (CIEE, IES), Asia, Australia, Austria, England, France (including CIEE), Germany (except IES Freiburg), Italy (IES), Morocco (IES), Switzerland (Lausanne) |
Marina LaMastro, Associate Director of Study Abroad mlamastr@richmond.edu |
Caribbean (University of the West Indies), Germany (IES Freiburg), Jordan (AMIDEAST), New Zealand, Morocco (AMIDEAST) Multiple Countries: International Honors Program (IHP), School for Field Studies (SFS), School for International Training (SIT) UR Summer Study Abroad, EnCompass |
Amy Bergmann, Study Abroad Advisor abergman@richmond.edu |
Denmark, Ireland, Italy (ICCS Rome, UGA Cortona), Netherlands, Scotland, Sweden Multiple Countries: CIEE (except Africa and France) |
Stacey Calderon-Castillo, Study Abroad Advisor and Program Coordinator stacey.calderoncastillo@richmond.edu |
Ecuador (USFQ), Hungary, Italy (Bocconi), Spain (St. Louis in Madrid) UR Summer Study Abroad and Internships |